Monday, March 24, 2008

Pugs try out the new convertible

They approve!!! On easter we tied them up in the backseat of the car and drove home from Jeff's mom's house. We didn't know if they'd like being in a convertible. Well they had a blast. It was gorgeous out and they loved the fresh air and the sun. Perogi kept on sniffing the air, it was too cute.


Anonymous said...


grandma r

Lucy said...

I love leaning out the window, so a drop top would probably be great! Do they mind being tied down?

Nevis said...

Awwwwwwwwww! So adorable!!!

AM said...

Sooo cute. I know they loved that fresh air!

Bella and Perogi said...

Lucy- they didn't mind being tied down b/c we just tied their leashes. They had a lot of slack to walk around and tangle themselves up of course :)

♥Lisa and The Pug Posse ♥ said...

How cute is that! makes me want a Pugvertible!

The Devil Dog said...

That is so cute.


Jemima Jones Beck said...

I love sniffing out the window and biting at the fresh air as well! I am really looking forward to Dad taking me for a ride in his Jeep, Cricket, once he takes the top off in the summer.
Have fun with the convertable!
Jemima Jones Beck

Weeny&Daisy said...

Oh my dogggg they look adorable in the car and look like they are having a great time!