Hey everyone, sorry i have been MIA with posting. I wish i could say i've been so busy, but besides working on my tan at my pool and working i've been super unproductive with life. It's so hard to spend the day at the computer when it's so nice outside. My picture taking has also seemed to be nonexistent lately. I'm in a summer slump!
The Pugs are doing really well, they've been just chillaxing, wrestling with eachother, and eating everything in site. Bella has been "bootscooting" a lot lately so i'm gonna have to take her to the vet to get her anal glands expressed. Boy, let me tell you is she not a fan of that. For some reason her anal glands get full soooo fast, we haven't had any issues with Perogi yet.
Anyway here are some recent pics of the babies and a recent play date with Perogi's biological sister Tressie with my friend Chelsea.

This is Chelsea with Tressie and Bella. It's so cute when she comes over. You can totally tell that her and Perogi are related. They have the same doggyisms and love being with eachother.
Oh No ! Not the anal glads! Willow has issues with hers too. we have to bring her every weeks. now she has scar tissue from her being so full so often and it makes her feel like she needs to "Scoot" her bum.... the vet said she would benefit on having her anal glands removed. UGH.....
Sounds like you have the right idea for the summer...I wish I could pull up my chaise and soak up the sun with you with a Pina colada!
I am keeping an eye on Indy with hers... every now and then the leak.. bleh and she attempts to scoot on her bum but then she gets distracted!
Glad to know you are doing alright!
I wish I could join in the chillaxen.. :)
Tressie and Perogi totally look alike.. too cute!
Welcome back!
I just had a meeting with my biological family a little while ago! I don't think they even recognized me... *sniff*
No fun anal glands! I haven't had those yet (gnaw on wood)-- sorry!
But I think this interpretation of "Bootscootin'" has real promise. Let's collaborate on a rewrite of that abysmal country song, shall we?
I have been slumping too!
Daisy had mucho problems with her anal glands this year but we finally got them under control.
Chillaxing is exactly what to do in the summer! (Mommy loves that word)
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Hey guys!!! :) And no!!! Not the Anal glands! Ahh...well, that's just...pug life. Shedding fur, eye issies, farting and anal sacks.
How are you doing? :) Miss you!
You're all lookin' good! We have had the summer slumps a bit too.
Just thought I'd check in on you. I miss you guys. (((Hugz))) Let me know if you want to talk.
Hi! My name is Eduardo, I'm a puggle who loves to snuggle! I added you to my blog I hope you don't mind! Please visit my blog!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Tag you are it! Come by our blog at www.lepug.com to see the details.
Pug Licks & Kisses!
Porky & Brownie
Hey! We haven't heard from you in a while. I hope you and your babies are all doing well!!
Hi! love your dogs and love your blog!
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